Ting-Yu Kuo
Executive Officer
Ocean Conservation Administration
【簡歷 Bio】
擁有14年公部門服務經歷,致力於專案管理、社會影響力評估及永續發展等各項計畫,目前擔任國際敏捷專案管理師及國際社會價值執業師。專長包含社會影響力評估、影響力管理、社區合作、組織運作與管理、敏捷專案管理、專案規劃與執行、公部門提案計畫撰寫、成效評估、永續發展、影響力管理、文案設計與撰寫、設計思考(Design Thinking)、海洋保育推廣、海洋公民科學、友善釣魚行動、文案撰寫、政策行銷、簡報設計製作、永續發展等。
With 14 years of experience in the public sector, I am dedicated to project management, social impact assessment, and sustainable development initiatives. Currently, I am an International Agile Project Management Professional and an International Social Value Practitioner. My expertise includes social impact assessment, impact management, community collaboration, organizational operations and management, agile project management, project planning and execution, public sector proposal writing, performance evaluation, sustainable development, copywriting and design, design thinking, marine conservation promotion, marine citizen science, policy marketing, presentation design, and production.
【演講題目 Speech Topic】
113年Maxmize Your Impact計畫-青創團隊與社會企業如何對焦國際永續目標創造成果
2024 Maximize Your Impact: How Youth Innovation Teams and Social Enterprises Align with Global Sustainability Goals to Create Results
【演講大綱 Speech Abstract】
當今全球環境迅速變化,使得對國際永續目標的對焦成為青創團隊和社會企業的重要課題。本次演講將分享研究團隊於113年透過「Maximize Your Impact」計畫的成果,探討青創團隊及社會企業如何有效地創造社會影響力並對焦聯合國永續發展目標(SDGs)。
In today’s rapidly changing global environment, focusing on international sustainability goals has become a crucial issue for young entrepreneurial teams and social enterprises. This speech will present the findings from the “Maximize Your Impact” project conducted in 113, exploring how these teams and enterprises can effectively create social impact while aligning with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The presentation will emphasize the unique roles that young entrepreneurial teams and social enterprises play in advancing these goals. By sharing success stories, we will illustrate how these organizations implement programs and achieve measurable results. The core of the speech will address practical strategies and best practices, including how to integrate the SDGs into organizational strategies, set clear goals, measure impact, and ensure alignment with global standards.
We will also introduce the principles and concepts of social impact assessment, focusing on how to evaluate and manage the social benefits of projects. This involves setting clear objectives, tracking and measuring impact, and conducting regular evaluations to ensure projects achieve their intended social outcomes. By employing these methods, participants will learn how to effectively generate results and acquire tools to enhance the impact of their initiatives, thereby better aligning with global sustainability goals and achieving more significant outcomes.
2024PMI台灣專案管理國際論壇(PMI Taiwan International Congress,PTIC)主持人及講者