David Kuo
iiiNNO Co., LTD
CEO & Co-Founder
【簡歷 Bio】
郭展榮 (David) 現任為一諾新創有限公司執行長,十年來長期投入在早期國內外新創輔導及帶領團隊拓展國際市場。以專注在商業模式的驗證及優化能縮短創業公司的學習曲線的研究,David成功的協助國際新創透過台灣在十個月內成功拓展日本/台灣/泰國/印度市場並與國際天使投資者一起早期投資。
以達到在短期10x成長績效為輔導目標,他成功在台灣建構具有國際能量的新創社群,並以共創精神一起攜手和投資及輔導機構定期舉辦國際新創活動Startup Weekend & Startup Grind。同時,透過Global Entrepreneurship Network, 代表台灣連結180國家的數位經濟及與亞洲產官學參於政策商研及研究。
【演講題目 Speech Topic】
How agile/lean startup framework helps early-stage accelerators and investor to build top portfolio.
【演講大綱 Speech Abstract】
創業很難,近 90% 的創業公司都無法生存和成功。大約在 2010 年左右,敏捷/精益創業框架和方法論徹底改變了早期加速器構建自己的劇本、創業評估策略和運營的方式。
iiiNNO 是亞洲少數以提供付費項目的加速器之一,而市場上大多的加速輔導計畫是免費的,由創投或政府資助。在分享中,我們將以我們自己的公司為例,分享敏捷/精益創業方法如何幫助我們驗證和建立多收入來源運營。
Building a startup is hard, and close to 90% of startup companies fail to survive and succeed. Around 2010, the agile/lean startup framework and methodology has completely changed the way how early-stage accelerator builds its own playbook, startup evaluation strategy and its operation.
During covid, accelerators and investors are pivoting and re-invents itself with a hybrid of online-merge-offline operation delivery to continue in finding the top entrepreneurs to mentors and invest in.
In our sharing, not only we will share how investors are now using the agile mindsets to evaluate and top accelerators are adopting agile/lean startup methodology to build its multi-facets business model and operations.
iiiNNO is one of few accelerators in Asia offers paid-program while other programs in the market are mostly free, backed by VC or government funding. In the sharing, we will use our own company as example on how agile/lean startup methodology have help us to validate and build multi-revenue source operation.
If you are running corporate innovation driven program or acceleration program or just curious to know how agile/lean is used in mentoring or building program for early-stage startup companies, don’t miss out our sharing.
2022 PMI台灣專案管理國際論壇(PMI Taiwan International Congress,PTIC)講者