Barry Hsiung
PMI 台灣分會創會理事長
Founder and past president,
PMI Taipei Taiwan Chapter
【簡歷 Bio】
PMI®國際專案管理學會臺灣分會 (PMI-Taiwan)第一、二屆理事長、中華專案管理學會 (NPMA)創會及第一、二屆理事長。擁有美喬治華盛頓大學 (The George Washington University)「科技及研發管理」博士學位、臺灣第一位PMP®專案管理師。現為PMI國際志工、旅美半退休自由業者及部落格博主。
Barry Pai-Len Hsiung is one of the founders and past president of Project Management Institute (PMI®)-Taiwan Chapter. He has been a loyal member of PMI since May 1996, as well as the first PMP® (#13651) in Taiwan (awarded in May 1998). Mr. Hsiung holds a Doctor of Science degree from George Washington University. He is currently semi-retired in Bay Area, California, a freelancer, a Blogger, and a volunteer for PM global community.
【演講題目 Speech Topic】
The Life for Project in the Digital World and Project Economy Era
【演講大綱 Speech Abstract】
- 為何數位化轉型會失敗?關鍵因素在哪?
Why Digital Transformation Fail?-Challenge and Facts - 敏捷的神話與誤解
Myths and Misconceptions of “Agile” - 如何迎接「專案經濟」時代的來臨?
How Do We Embrace “the Project Economy Era”? - 未來數位化世界的專案管理將如何改觀?
What would Project Management in the future Digitalized World look like? - 專案從業人員的人生將面臨何種鉅變?
How your Life for Project will be dramatically Changed? - 您的選擇:提升自己因應挑戰或脫離職場
Your Choice: Empower yourself or Escape from your Career
2022 PMI台灣專案管理國際論壇(PMI Taiwan International Congress,PTIC)講者